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2023 Lower Snake River Wind Expansion RFP

PSE currently owns and operates the 157 MW Hopkins Ridge wind energy facility in Columbia County near the city of Dayton, Washington, and the 343 MW Lower Snake River wind energy facility in Garfield County near the city of Pomeroy, Washington. PSE holds additional wind project development rights in both Columbia and Garfield Counties over approximately 67,000 acres of privately owned land, and electric system interconnection rights with the Bonneville Power Administration (“BPA”) up to 640 MW.

In 2022, PSE restarted planning efforts to expand its Lower Snake River wind facility up to the limit of its current development rights, and now seeks proposals from qualified parties to complete the design, layout, engineering, procurement, and construction of the expanded facility to help achieve the targets laid out under the Clean Energy Transformation Act (“CETA”).

PSE filed the draft voluntary LSR expansion RFP with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) on May 5, 2023, in docket UE-230337, which includes the permitting, technical, operational, and submittal requirements for the project.

Updates to the schedule and documents will be published below, as well as sent to stakeholders. For additions to the LSR RFP stakeholder distribution list, contact

Stakeholders should note that PSE issued an All-Source RFP on June 30, 2021. Consistent with WAC 480-107-009(4), PSE will ensure responses from this RFP are evaluated consistently with the methodology established for the All-Source RFP to produce an optimal electric supply portfolio.

The following estimated schedule is subject to adjustment based on the actual pace of the evaluation process. More information on the Voluntary LSR expansion RFP process and timeline will be provided throughout the process.